Councilman Andy King’s Black History Month Event

Celebrating Our History 2020 was the theme of the Black History Month event held by Councilman Andy King and the Bronx Youth Empowerment Program at the Evander Child Campus Monday. Students from local elementary and middle schools were chosen to attend this very enjoyable celebration of Black History in America.
Councilman Andy King spoke to the students about past struggles of black people, and the bright future these students can have because of those who fought so hard to give them the choices.
Student members of YEP one by one read stories of many of the inventions and other ways Black Americans have helped moving America forward. The common thought said was “What would the world be like if there were no Black People?”
Each Honoree was called up to say a few words, and was given a personalized framed story board ‘Celebrate our History’. the Honorees were Minister Abdul Hafeez Muhammad who gave the students a test by holding up a fifty dollar bill and asking two questions.
The first question was if the students saw his fifty dollar bill drop from his pocket how many would keep it for themselves? a few students raised their hands, and when he asked how many would either tell him or give the money back to him almost everyone raised their hands.That he said was the honesty of all the students even the ones who said they would keep the money.
Local television journalist from Fox 5, Nate Rogers spoke of growing up not knowing what he wanted to be, and being the kid in the class who was not the teachers favorite student. He went on to say that when you decide what you want to be, you should do something that you like to do, and not take a job that you hate.
He said that he loves hiss present job. Other honorees included Riverbay Board President Ms. Linda Berk, Ashley Sharpton for the NAN, and the Youth Leader Ms. Kaitlyn Mcintosh. The students were provided with lunch after the program before they returned to their home schools.