“ABLED TO SPEAK UP” is my first column submitted by Lawrence Seiler
As a former Bronxsite growing up in the 1970s wasn’t easy. Dealing with Cerebal Palsy Wasn’t easy. Having Alcoholic parents wasn’t easy. Living on my own wasn’t easy.
Hosting and producing a Television Program at Bronxnet was my way of channelling my fears. The show was entitled Special People Special Issues.
New York City isn’t an easy city to live in for people with special needs because services are closing, the president is mocks people with special needs, Food Stamps is being cut, Medicaid is being cut, NYCHA is in shambles or falling apart and this is why sometimes its hard for people with special needs to trust elected officials especially if they don’t understand the voting process. President Trump I think is scared of being scared so he is scaring other people as well. Who can people with special needs trust if they can’t trust their landlords, their bosses, their friends, their families, their banks, and their health provider, etc..
We live in a world with uncertainty and fear of Identity theft from computers, ATM machines, Mobile Phones, etc…people are pretending to be you.
In this first column I got one soulution. Being Jewish this for me and my family is Roshashana the Jewish New Year 5780 in the Jewish Calender. During the old days it was simple you were abled to trust. My solution is to pray and trust in God.
You see in Vermont my wife and I have the simple things in life like good housing for special needs. We can walk everywhere or take a bus for 50 cents which is the special needs rate, and my wife’s breathing difficulties are much better in Vermont because of breathing clean air..
Sometimes people with special needs have to go somewhere quiet to pray and ask God what they want. Pray to God that he gives you what you want and do not rush the issue wait on Him. God will answer our prayers. Life is never easy if you rush it no matter if you are Disabled or not God is an Abled God. If Moses had a speech impediment God gave him the words He will give anyone the words and help anyone be patient.