What happens in the 80th AD if Nathalia Fernandez, Marcos Sierra win their races?

By Founder Anthony Rivieccio
A few weeks ago our nuculas was very worried about the 80th Assembly district in The Bronx.
Our current Assemblyperson Nathalia Fernandez will be running for Bronx Borough President in 2021.
Our current Male District Leader Marcos Sierra will be running for the 11th City Council seat, also in 2021.
Assuming they both win, this would leave the district with a very big political hole. After all, we can not assume they are going to lose. So we decided to create a 2022 80th AD exploratory committee.
The purpose of this committee is to put together a slate- from Assemblyperson to District Leader to State Committee people to County Committee people.
Close to 30 people, whose names appeared below, have decided to join.
Our hope is that in February 2021 we will start a process that will allow us in 2022 to fully particate and be influencial in our district.
And in recent days, current Female State Committeeman Sandra Pabon and Assemblyperson Nathalia Fernandez have joined our Committee.
To my surprise, we even heard from the former Assemblywoman of the district ,Ms Naomi Rivera.
We received many media phone calls regarding Ms Rivera’s participation , suggesting that she could be putting together her own slate, however many of the current members were happy that she would assist in any way that she could.
Last State election, we lost our District Leaders, so the 80th AD, which once once , one of the strongest Assembly districts in The Bronx has been in shambles.
The current district leaders, which have successfully won their respective races are good people- but did not come from the slate of Assemblywoman Fernandez.
Instead of having a divided Assembly district, which many would say we have had since 2016, we now hope that would our ” exploratory” particapation, we can once again, make our North Bronx Assembly strong.
The exploratory Committe
- Cynthia Prisco
- Dio Then
- Carlos Rosario
- Monique Trescott
- Carlos Daniel Sanchez
- Diana Finch
- Antirson Ortiz
- Ischia Bravo
- Raquel Okyay
- Dee Negron
- Jose Padilla Jr
- Nathalia Fernandez
- Ny Whitaker
- Sallie Caldwell
- Edgar Oogie Ramos
- Milenia Marias
- Sirio Guerino
- Edward Vargas
- Sandra Colon
- Oswald Feliz
- Christian Amato
- Lindsay Copeland
- Tommy Torres
- Dion Powell
- Evy Baruchowitz Kazansky
- Robert Press
- Shanequa Charles
- Alexandra Micancin
- The South Bronx Free Thinking Democrats
Anthony Rivieccio has been founder of The Northwest Bronx Democrats, a community and political organization since 2003. Their target areas are: Fordham, Kingsbridge, Kingsbridge Heights, Bedford Park, Norwood, Allerton. The current President is Sheila Sanchez .