US aircraft carrier deploys to Gulf

US aircraft carrier USS Nimitz has been deployed to the Gulf.
While disclosing this on Saturday November 28, 2020, the US Department of Defense, stated that the US Navy confirmed that “the deployment was not related to any specific threat.”
It was reported on Friday that the move came days before Iran’s top nuclear scientist was killed.
It said the aircraft carrier may remain in the region until January, when President-elect Joe Biden takes office.
The spokeswoman for the US Navy’s Bahrain-based Fifth Fleet said, “There were no specific threats that triggered the return of the Nimitz Carrier Strike Group.”
Commander Rebecca Rebarich added that the redeployment was related to a US drawdown in Iraq and Afghanistan.
“This action ensures we have sufficient capability available to respond to any threat and to deter any adversary from acting against our troops during the force reduction,” she noted.