Bernie Sanders faults Sen. Ron’s objection to bill that provides financial support for couples, families, kids

Akeem Alao
United States senator, Bernie Sanders, has faulted a colleague in the senate, Sen. Ron Johnson, for objecting his proposed bill.
While expressing his indignation at the objection, Sanders said, via his Facebook page, that the bill was aimed at providing financial support to couples, families and kids.
“Last night, Sen. Ron Johnson objected to my bill to provide $1,200 to working families, $2,400 for couples and $500 for kids because he’s “worried” about the deficit,” Sanders wrote on Saturday.
“Funny. He wasn’t so worried about the deficit when he voted to give over $1 trillion in tax breaks to the top 1% and large corporations,” he added.
Sanders noted that Ron wasn’t so worried about the deficit when he voted to give the Pentagon and the military industrial complex a record-breaking $740 billion – more than the next 10 nations combined – to wage endless war.
“He wasn’t worried so worried about the deficit when he voted to provide hundreds of billions in corporate welfare to the fossil fuel industry. Yep. When it comes to tax breaks for the rich, corporate welfare for the fossil fuel industry and wealthy defense contractors, we have all the money in the world.
“But, somehow, when it comes to helping the working families with children, the elderly and people with disabilities who are facing hunger, eviction and economic desperation, we just don’t have enough money to address their needs. What hypocrisy!” he said.