Peace December means a lot to me, says Eunice Ukwuani

Eunice Ukwuani, the President of New York Political Coalition (NYPC), was asked: What does Peace December mean to you?
Here is her comprehensive response:
“Peace December means a lot to me because it involves public safety and how to end violence in our communities.
I want to advice parents to please take their time to look into their male children and the type of friends they keep. Know who they meet with when they go out. It’s very important to monitor them seriously and all their activities to avoid keeping bad friends who can lead them into doing bad things like stealing, and killing.
When some parents work 3 jobs or father in prison, how can they monitor their children? Believe me, if parents can watch their own children and also bring them up in the ways of God then violence/crime will reduce. It helps them to have the fear of God in them. Parents should help tackle the violence.
I also have to advise for my fellow ladies. If you experience a violent man beating you like boyfriend or husband, please go out there and seek help immediately. Don’t stay there to be killed by any violent man because nobody has the right to kill someone’s child. The world is evil and our parents should help us train their children well in the ways of God.
That is how we can reduce violence in our communities. I think the Government needs to reform our court system. If someone committed a crime, why allow them to come out in other to commit a bigger crime and go back to prison?. We must look into both ideas if we want peace in the world. Finally, United Nations 2030 agenda goal is to achieve world peace”.