Financial Focus: Ready for Financial School? Join us every Friday, at Financial Focus University!

By Professor Anthony Rivieccio MBA PFA
In today’s virtual times, many, I am sure, would love to go to finance school, in their home? In their pajamas? On their time?
More importantly, they probably want to go for FREE!. As a College Professor, I can attest that while ” remote learning” interest has blommosed, that flower starts to wilt badly, based on the price .
Can you learn Personal Finance on today’s financial news channel shows? Occasionally, you might see some personal finance ” how to segments” but based on their 24 hour coverage ,and non consistently, it’s fair to say you might learn 1 lesson a week, and for 5 minutes, and it might replay 2 or 3 times during that week.
The New York Parrot has a better idea: Starting Friday February 12tth, 5PM. It’s called Financial Focus University.
While only a weekly 30 minute show, we are hoping to educate you on the tenats of Personal Financial Planning, while at the same time, update you on the financial and market news of the week. Our end result: To make you and your wallet fiscally healthy!
Segment 1: Bidenomics
This segment is more to report the economic numbers of that week. Then to analyze how the government’s fiscal & monetary policies are both, following the President’s course– or not , and not withstanding, share with you, real time analysis on how it effects your money. You hear the phases: inflation!. Unemployment? Labor costs? Etc. Now you can learn a lot more about them
Segment2: ” Personal Finance” how to
Maybe the best example of what we mean will be our first topic in this area: What is the dollar value of a ” tax deduction” vs a ” tax credit”?. Now while they are both valuable, with the new ” liberal” standard deduction, which one do you do? Do you take the standard deduction or Itemize? The answer: Tune in to find out. You might learn how to get between 40-60% in Tax Savings.
Segment 3-Ask A Question
We believe this might be the most powerful segment. It is about answering financial questions regarding your concerns!. On Budgeting? Debt? Savings? Investing? Retirement? I’ll share ” College Lecture secrets” with you but more importantly we hope to use this segment to directly help you with your financial problems.. We will flash a phone number or email and of course encourage you to call with your questions.
As opposed to Cable TV shows like CNBC & Bloomberg, this one is internet & Facebook based. Just go to or the FB New York Parrot page, and we will be on, LIVE!.
Or of course you can watch it at your schedule and at your convenience. We hope you enjoy the show. More importantly, be ” financial planning” educated. Or better yet, welcome back to school , Financial Focus University, starting this and every Friday at 5PM.
Professor Anthony Rivieccio, MBA PFA, is the founder of The Financial Advisors Group, celebrating its 25th year as a full service investment planning & management firm . Anthony is also owner of Rivieccio Financial Advisors, a virtual only financial planning & advisory firm, opened in 2021.
Mr. Rivieccio, a recognized financial expert since 1986, has been featured by many national and local media including: Kiplinger’s Personal Finance, The New York Post, News 12 The Bronx, Bloomberg News Radio, BronxNet Television, the Norwood News, The West Side Manhattan Gazette, Labor Press Magazine, Financial Planning Magazine, WINS 1010 Radio, The Co-Op City News, The New York Parrot, The Bronx News, , The Bronx Chronicle & The Parkchester Times. Mr. Rivieccio also pens a financial article called “Money Talk”.
Anthony is also currently an Adjunct Professor of Business, Finance & Accounting for both, City University of New York & Monroe College, a Private University.
For financial assistance, Anthony can be reached at (347) 575-5045. Have Facebook? My email is My personal page is