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Dear Destiny Friends,

Knowledge, without an iota of doubt, is very critical to success. This concept is backed by the Holy Book, which states that ‘my people perish for lack of knowledge”.

One of the major reasons people pay for services, or products is simply because someone has invested knowledge to solve a problem. The constant use of this knowledge, therefore, can metamorphose into vision.

Note that one of the ways knowledge works is through vision. Did you know that understanding leads to vision, and vision leads to realization. When you understand what you want in life, you will know how to get there. This is because vision paves the way to clarity.

Vision is not about having ‘eyes’, because many people have eyes, but can’t see.

Vision is the ability to use your eyes to see and interpret the world around you.

As a Human Capacity Coach, one of the key areas of my training is focus on vision for every progressive company and individual. Any company, business, family, relationship, or association without vision is merely existing as opposed to living. It is the vision that sustains the company.

But what is vision? It is rather unfortunate that many people don’t understand what vision is. Vision can mean several things to several people. Some see vision as what they want to be in the nearest future; some see it as the change they would like to implement in the world, while others might see it from the angle of prophecy.

Just like every organization, company, government has a vision, every human being has a vision. It is the vision that separates every organization and human being. This vision is encapsulated in the values they hold dear to the heart. The vision of Mr. A is quite different from the vision of Mr. B. When you have a vision, it’s important for you to hold it close to your heart. Your vision is meant for you to implement. If you share it with the wrong person, you might get discouraged or the vision might be stolen from you, and implemented in a different way.

This is how the dynamic aspect of vision works. Every leader works differently and many have different visions for their citizens. In school, all students might be in the classroom, but their learning and understanding might be different, and a group of people might be walking, but what they are seeing might be different.

The power of faith works with vision. According to Dr. Yomi Garnett, “to really succeed, you need real faith, which is simply an inner vision of great spiritual laws. This faith allows you to see what you desire even before attaining it, much like the farmer who holds seeds in his hands and sees the stalks of corn that fill his fields at harvest time. All great men and women have this type of faith”.

This simply tells you vision works with the principle and spiritual laws of success. If the farmer doesn’t see hope in harvesting, he/she won’t bother to plant crops.

Again, if Martin Luther King Jnr, Nelson Mandela, Barack Obama, Henry Ukazu and other great visionary leaders who have made great impact in the world didn’t see ahead and believe in the vision they imagined, they wouldn’t have been able to make great impact in the world.

Vision comes in different ways; it can come directly from God, via inspiration; it can also come due to the prevailing societal ills you’ll like to change. It can also be because of an impact one would like to see in the world.

When God gives you a vision, that vision is for you to implement, it’s not meant for another person. If it’s meant for another person, it will be revealed to that person. That’s why vision is not meant to be shared to everyone. This is how vision works. God might show you a vision, but he won’t give you everything you need to fulfil it. He also needs your input to bring it into existence. That input might be faith, understanding and skills/talent to execute it. For instance, God will give you wood, and you will use the wood to manufacture a chair or furniture.

Furthermore, vision is the difference between where you are and where you want to be. In between where you are and where you want to be, you must have a plan. This plan doesn’t have to be figured out. All you need is to believe in the vision and what you are feeling and seeing. This plan comes with a process. This process is what will lead you to your destination. It is during the planning that one’s faith is tested, and skills harnessed. Your plan must come with preparation, it must be concise, clear, and compelling. The plan is the process that will take you to your destination.

In conclusion, if you have a vision, believe in it, and get back to work to fulfil it by preparing for it. The world is rooting for you.

Henry Ukazu writes from New York. He works with the New York City Department of Correction as the Legal Coordinator.  He’s a Transformative Human Capacity and Mindset coach. He is also a public speaker, youth advocate and creative writer Design Your Destiny and Unleash Your Destiny.  He can be reached via info@gloemi.com

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