September 8, 2024
Home » De Blasio to turn NYC streets, parks into outdoor classrooms amid coronavirus

De Blasio to turn NYC streets, parks into outdoor classrooms amid coronavirus


Mayor Bill de Blasio has said the New York City streets and parks will be turned into outdoor classrooms amid the coronavirus,

While disclosing this on Monday August 24, 2020, Mayor and city schools Chancellor Richard Carranza said some principals alongside have pitched plans to the de Blasio administration that include closing sections of road around their school and erecting tents in nearby parks for outside classrooms to lower the risk of transmission.

De Blasio in a press conference said, “We want to give schools the option to do as much outdoors as they can.”

“In some cases, they may say, ‘You know what? We’re good with just what we have in the school. We have a schoolyard. We have a courtyard,’ he added.

“It’s up to each principal, we empower our principals to determine the maximum amount they can do outdoors.

“That’s going to open a lot of wonderful opportunities for kids and for our educators.’’

He said city agencies such as the Departments of Transportation and Parks and Recreation would make any proposed road closures and park classrooms a priority in terms of paving the way for them to happen.

De Blasio relayed his message to all principals stating that “If you want to do some good creative things with outdoor learning, you’re going to get fast support from agencies.’’

Carranza said the city is giving principals till Friday to turn in their final proposals — and the administration will approve them within a week.

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