September 7, 2024
Home » Mine collapse kills 3, injures 1 in DR Congo

Mine collapse kills 3, injures 1 in DR Congo


A landslide which occurred in an artisan mine in the Democratic Republic of Congo has claimed three lives, with one injured and one missing.

The incident in the Kasongo territory occurred on Thursday September 3, 2020, in Mukulungu, 11 kilometers (6.8 miles) from Bikenge, a large mining town in Maniema province.

Claude Malisawa, a local administrative authority said, “We came urgently and found three dead bodies and one injured person who is still in the hospital.”

“The injured in hospital said there were five of them in the mine … it is assumed that there is still a body under the rubble.”

Landslides are becoming frequent in Maniema as nine people were killed in a landslide that occurred in a village located in the same territory of Kasongo just last week.

At least 27 artisan miners were also killed when a gold mine collapsed in the country’s Upper-Uele province last year.

Most landslides in the Central African country have been triggered by ongoing heavy rains.

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