September 7, 2024
Home » Biden administration to join Iran nuclear deal

Biden administration to join Iran nuclear deal


The Biden administration has reportedly expressed readiness to join the Iran nuclear deal.

According to a report, the administration’s move has drawn condemnation from critics.

Agreed to under former President Barack Obama in 2015, the landmark accord prompted a raging debate with supporters arguing it provided a path to mitigate Iran’s nuclear proliferation.

Others suggested the deal could be unconstitutional and wasn’t tough enough on the rogue state. Ripping the agreement as “the worst deal ever negotiated,” former President Donald Trump withdrew the U.S. from the accord in 2018.

Xiyue Wang, a former hostage in Iran, tweeted Friday that “Americans should know team Biden’s approach to reassert US global leadership is to appease authoritarian regimes.”

Others, like Sen. Tom Cotton, R-Ark., weighed in, as well.

“Two months in, the Biden administration is so desperate to get back to a broken deal that they’re giving up all their leverage and offering concession after humiliating concession,” Cotton tweeted.

For the past two months, the U.S. and Iran have been conducting quiet diplomacy that ultimately failed, according to The Wall Street Journal.

In the past few weeks, the two sides have exchanged proposals through European intermediaries. Next week’s meeting in Vienna, Austria, will similarly occur through intermediaries, The New York Times first reported.

The two sides have struggled to reach a deal, with Iran demanding complete sanctions relief and rejecting a limited relief proposal from the U.S. The Journal reported a U.S. official claiming the administration “went along” with a proposal from Iran for initial gestures before actual talks.

“They messaged us that maybe the best thing would be for each side to make an initial gesture that would pave the way to those talks,” the official said.

“They wanted some sanctions relief and in return they would reverse some nuclear steps they had taken in contravention of the JCPOA. It was their idea, and we went along.”

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