July 27, 2024

Twitter loses status as intermediary platform in India


Microblogging platform Twitter has lost its status as an intermediary platform in India as it does not comply with new IT rules.

As per the government sources, Twitter is the only social media platform among the mainstream that has not adhered to the new laws.

The new laws were introduced by the government of India during the month of February. The code is a framework to regulate tech companies in India.

The Union Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology earlier said that it had given Twitter one last notice to comply with the new rules.

As per the new laws, platforms like Facebook and Twitter have to appoint three officers who will cooperate with law enforcement agencies in India, according to the new regulations.

This team must be available 24×7 to respond to any demand.

These officers must be residents of India and their details must be clearly published on the company’s website. If any complaint is received, these officers must respond within 24 hours and the complaint itself must be disposed of within 15 days.

Also, social media platforms are required to deploy tools to identify content that depicts rape or child sexual abuse.

They must publish a monthly compliance report that lists the complaints that they received and the action that was taken.

Twitter has 17.5 million Indian users. In 2019, it earned more than 560 million rupees in revenue from India which is $7 million.

Twitter’s profits rose to more than 58 million, almost $800,000 which is a spike of more than 100 percent. Social media giants earn big money from India since they have user bases that exceed the population of some countries

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