July 27, 2024

Mayor’s office takes bold steps to combat domestic, gender-based violence in NYC


In an effort to comprehensively address the pervasive issue of domestic and gender-based violence, the Mayor’s Office to End Domestic and Gender-Based Violence (ENDGBV) has undertaken significant initiatives throughout 2023.

Collaborating with various stakeholders, including city agencies, program providers, the New York City advocacy community, and local elected officials, ENDGBV has executed a range of programs and awareness campaigns.

One notable initiative is the launch of the “Street Harassment Prevention Survey” by the NYC Street Harassment Prevention Advisory Board (SHPAB), co-chaired by ENDGBV and the Mayor’s Office of Equity and Racial Justice’s Commission on Gender Equity (CGE). The survey aims to understand the nature, prevalence, and impact of street harassment on New Yorkers, providing valuable insights for targeted prevention, education, and training resources.

Furthermore, ENDGBV has implemented the New York City Domestic and Gender-Based Violence Workplace Policy, following Executive Order 85 of 2021. This policy mandates city agencies to offer confidential support and direct connections to ENDGBV and city resources for employees affected by domestic and gender-based violence, emphasizing survivor-centered and trauma-informed responses.

Recognizing the link between domestic violence and homelessness, ENDGBV collaborated with city agencies and community-based partners to facilitate survivors’ access to safe, permanent housing through the Emergency Housing Voucher Program. As of January 3, 1,156 survivors and their families have transitioned into secure housing, with an additional 120 survivors in the lease-up process.

The commitment to combating domestic and gender-based violence is further underscored by the Adams administration’s innovative strategies and initiatives, including annual awareness campaigns. In 2023, ENDGBV organized the 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence, Domestic Violence Awareness Month (DVAM), and Sexual Violence Awareness Month (SVAM), each featuring events, workshops, and awareness-raising activities aimed at educating New Yorkers about the impacts of gender-based violence and available resources.

Commissioner Cecile Noel, of the Mayor’s Office to End Domestic and Gender-Based Violence, expressed gratitude for the collaborative efforts with community-based partners, the advocacy community, and other city agencies, emphasizing the collective achievements in 2023 to support survivors citywide. The administration remains committed to a public health approach to gendered violence, focusing on prevention education, awareness campaigns, and continually expanding support for survivors.

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