The African Community Endorsed No Candidate in the New York Congressional District 15 Race

The African Community did not endorse Michael Blake, Ydaniz Rodriguez or any other candidate in the New York 15th Congressional District race, contrary to the press releases and generalized articles that appeared in some publications and are being shared in social media platforms.
The African immigrant community, like all other new immigrant communities finding their ways into the United States’ sociopolitical system, is very diverse and its members have personal connections to all candidates in the NY CD 15. These ‘generalized’ endorsements are misleading to the public and do not reflect the reality on the ground. The endorsements are made by couple of individuals who are either affiliated, work with or befriended the candidates they endorsed. None of the endorsement announcements carried any weight or even be known to the larger community. Another word, they’re not worth the ink used. Despite these misleading announcements however, the fact is that African constituents will vote for different candidates in the race, since all the candidates have healthy relations with the larger community.
The Ydaniz Rodriguez ‘generalized’ endorsement article was written by a beautiful journalist new in the dynamics of political angles in the Bronx. He meant no harm, but unfortunately his headline has generated unintentional difficulties for the community. We know him well and will not hold it against him. We all live and learn each day.
Finally, we must all vote regardless of who we individually choose to give our votes to. Just vote in all elections in the Bronx on June 23, 2020. Absentee Ballots are available to all voters this year and we should take full advantage of it. Thank you!
Sheikh Musa Drammeh
Community Organizer in the Bronx
Chairman African Union Day Foundation