Governor Cuomo to reopen gyms at 33% capacity, mandates masks

Governor Andrew Cuomo has announced that gymnastics centers across the state can reopen from August 24, 2020, as long as they adhere strictly to coronavirus safety precautions including a 33% capacity limit.
While describing the requirements, Governor Cuomo said, “Gyms must have updated HVAC systems that comply with state standards and will have to be inspected by local governments within two weeks of opening.”
“Gyms are one of the areas where you have to be very careful and we know that, whether or not gyms can host indoor classes will also be up to local officials, he said. .
“The local elected will make the decision in the jurisdiction, and the local health departments must inspect before or within two weeks,” Cuomo added.
The guidance comes after criticisms from gym owners and muscle-minded New Yorkers complained that fitness centers were left off the state’s reopening plan.
“If it’s not done right it can be a problem and we know that… that’s why we went slow on it,” he said.
Overall, New York’s COVID-19 metrics remain stable, the governor said, noting that the state recorded an infection rate below 1% for the tenth day in a row.
“On all the numbers, it’s good news. That is exactly where we want to be,” he concluded.