The NAACP launches initiative to boost Black voters turnout in six states

The NAACP, a U.S-based civil right organization has launched an initiative to achieve higher Black voter turnout in the forthcoming U.S November Presidential election.
While disclosing this on Tuesday August 11, 2020, the largest U.S civil right organization said that it would use the services of Black voters who have higher turnout in the recent presidential and state elections.
The voters with higher turnout would in turn mobilize those with low turnout in states such as Florida, Georgia, Michigan, North Carolina, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin.
They would encourage those who were registered to vote but had not voted in the recent elections.
The initiative came at a time when fight against racism is at the forefront of campaign for justice and equality following series of protests across the country after the murder of George Floyd, an African-American by a Minneapolis police officer.
The initiative has a goal to achieve about 5% increase in Black voter turnout that suffered a huge decline in the 2016 election, the first ever decline in 20 years.
While speaking about voters’ turnout in the recent election, Derrick Johnson, NAACP President, said, “We’ve seen the outcome of when we have a drop in voter activity in the Black community.”
He also emphasized the need to get African American cast their votes during the election which could serve as a step to end racism that has pervaded the country.
While emphasizing this he said, “We have racism germinating from the White House.”