Home » US Election: NYS passes new laws for absentee ballot

US Election: NYS passes new laws for absentee ballot


The New York State authorities have passed new laws which will make it easier for absentees to vote in the November 3 election….


The New York State authorities have passed new laws which will make it easier for absentees to vote in the November 3 election.

While disclosing this on Friday August 21, 2020, Assemblywoman Nathalia Fernandez, lauded the legislation, stressing that the legislators’ move was timely and commendable.

“Great news! New York State passed new laws making it easier for New Yorkers to vote and be counted in the upcoming November elections,” Fernandez wrote on her Facebook page.

The election date is Tuesday November 3, 2020. Early voting period is between October 24, 2020 and November 1, 2020.

According to the new laws, absentees are eligible to vote and have their votes counted.

The qualifications to vote by absentee ballot were contained in a statement released by the election board.

According to the statement, if a voter is absent from their county or if a resident of New York City is absent from the five boroughs, on election day, they are eligible to vote through the absentee ballot.

Another condition for voting by absentee ballot is inability to appear at the polls due to temporary or permanent illness or disability.

The laws added that those who unable to appear due to risk of contracting or spreading a communicable disease like COVID-19 could also perform their electoral obligation through absentee ballot.

Others include primary care givers, a resident or patient of a Veterans Health Administration Hospital, those in jail awaiting Grand Jury action.

“You must apply online, postmark, email or fax a completed application or letter request for the General Election Absentee ballot no later than 7 days (October 27, 2020) before the election,” the statement reads.

“You may apply in-person up to the day before the election.

“You may file an application at any time before the deadlines, but ballots will be mailed out beginning on or about September 18, 2020,” it adds.

The election board stated that application for absentee ballot could be done electronically through Absentee Application Portal.

It added that applicants can also send an email request to their local county board of elections or by sending a fax request to the local county board of elections.

“Applicants can also go in-person to the local county board of elections or mail a paper application,” it said.

It stated that the PDF verson of the New York Sate Absentee Ballot Application Form can be downloaded at



“Upon completion, applications must be mailed to your county board no later than the seventh day before the election or delivered in person no later than the day before the election.

“By sending a letter to your county board of elections. The letter must contain the following information:
Name and date of birth of the voter, the address where you are registered, an address where the ballot is to be sent, the reason for the request, and, the signature of the voter,” it concluded.

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