Naji Naman Foundation honours Indian poet J.S. Anand laureate literary award

Naji Naman Foundation in Lebanon has honoured Dr J.S. Anand, Indian English poet, scholar and critic with Naji Naman Laureate Literary Award 2020.
Anand is on an Hony assignment as Professor Emeritus, The European Institute of Roma Studies and Research, Belgrade, Serbia.
Dr Anand has authored more than 70 books of English poetry, fiction, non-fiction, philosophy and spirituality.
He is the only author from Punjab whose works of philosophy have been translated into Persian.
Dr. Anand has authored world famous epics: Geet: The Unsung Song of Eternity (a sequel to Milton’s The Paradise Lost), The Satanic Empire (sequel to Dante’s The Divine Comedy) and recently his work of philosophy Mahabharat: The War of Words created intellectual waves. Very soon, his next epic The Plague: The Metaphor is Dead is going to hit the stands very soon.
He has been Secretary General, World Union of Poets Italy, and President, Writers Chamber WUP.
He was honoured with Cross of Literature and Cross of Peace and several other awards. Dr Anand has also innovated the theory of biotext along with Dr Farsi from Iran.
Anand is President of World Literature India, a literary organization dedicated to literary values and Director of World Institute of Peace, Nigeria.