New York to honor Justice Ginsburg with statue in Brooklyn

The New York Governor, Andrew M. Cuomo, has announced decision to honor the life and legacy of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg with a statue in Brooklyn, the justice’s birthplace.
Making the announcement on Saturday September 19, 2020, the governor said that a commission would be created in that regard to deliberate on and select appropriate location for the statue.
While paying tribute to the deceased, Governor Cuomo said, “Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, selflessly pursued truth and justice in a world of division, giving voice to the voiceless and uplifting those who were put aside by the forces of hate and indifference.”
Speaking further about Ginsburg’s dedication to equality among genders and protection of civil rights, Governor Cuomo added, “As a lawyer, jurist, and professor, she redefined gender equality and ensure that America lived to founding ieals – she was a monumental figure of equality and we can all agree that she deserves a monument in her honor.”
Similarly, the governor made reference to the immense love Justice Ginsburg had for her country, America, as she had, despite her suffering from several bouts of cancer, played vital roles in strengthening and safeguarding the country’s democracy.
“Her 27 years on the court reshaped our understanding of basic tenets of equality and justice,” he said.
“While the family of New York mourns Justice Ginsburg’s death, we remember proudly that she started her incredible journey right here in Brooklyn.
“Her legacy will live on in the progress she created for our society, and this status will serve as a physical reminder of her many contributions to the America we now today, and as an inspiration for those who will continue to build on her immense body of work for generations to come,” he added.
Speaking about the commission which would be formed in few days to come, it would be the sole responsibility of the commission to recommend design, location and installation of the memorial to the governor.
While keeping to its primary function, the commission is expected to establish a broad outreach with art community including institutions, organizations as well as direct artist outreach.