Nigerian varsity lecturer condemns secessionist plan, cautions Yorùbá elite

Prof Taofiq Adesina Azeez, a lecturer in the Department of English, University of Abuja, Nigeria, has condemned the secessionist plan led by some people from the south western part of the country.
While condemning the plan in his essay titled, ‘Looming Tragedy: South West Rulers, Governors And People’s Honour At Stake’, Prof Azeez stated that the move is outright unthinkable.
It is unthinkable that a race reputed as the most educated in this contraption called Nigeria will choose miscreants to fight their cause, appoint an erudite Professor as Prime Minister before asking for the republic through rallies.
He added that if the miscreants can be forgiven for not knowing that a project such as this is a mirage, the professor and the elite cannot be pardoned.
The professor of Communications gave two reasons to reinforce his conviction that the plan is a mirage.
According to him, the first reason is that the plan is ill-timed and, therefore, ill-fated.
While stating the second reason, he stated that it is in violent clash with enlightened procedures.
He said that the educated people of the region are expected to know “even if the miscreants could not learn from the recent experience of fellow Nigerians.”
“It is not now that people of goodwill are beginning to question the appropriateness of a region always being used to install tyranny and always being the victims that we should be asking for a Republic that will compromise our chances in the next dispensation.
“We cannot afford to divide before a battle with our enemies. Not now that our political structure is at the weakest and our politicians are most vulnerable. Not now that some great minds are beginning to objectively appraise the merit of true Federalism and the value of unemotional restructuring. NOT NOW,” Prof Azeez said.
He added that the miscreants could be forgiven for not knowing that to create a Republic from an existing one requires two popular methods: a universal referendum procedure which may take several years, and the unilateral declaration otherwise known as secession.
“Either way, nothing good will come to the South West People. The first one will take our time, energy and resources while the rest of the World will carry on ignoring our grumblings. The Second option will be suicidal.
“The remaining part of the country will jump at the opportunity to crush the arrogant but envied race. They have done it before.
“They will want to keep Nigeria one as usual and, in the process, move over and level the region. At the end of the day, the rich miscreants and their sponsors would run away to their Masters to leave the poor masses to sulk as they often do,” he stated.
He said that foreign Powers will pretend they are officiating/mediating while they sell their weapons. And that may be the end of the race.
“The bitterest setback would be if there is counter rally on October 1st and we are further divided along sectarian sentiments,” he added.
Prof Azeez also called on the traditional rulers, the governments and the enlightened people of the South West to reveal their position regarding the imminent bloodbath and self annihilation.
“They should speak up now or declare their supports so that ordinary people will know who to hold responsible.
“We are watching and while doing so, we would hold our rulers and Governors responsible for every drop of the precious blood of our people from this moment on,” he concluded.