NYS DOL begins payment of $300 lost wages assistance to 2 million New Yorkers

The New York State Department of Labor has announced plan to pay $300 lost wages to about 2 million New Yorkers.
While disclosing this in a statement on Friday September 11, 2020, DOL stated that “roughly 2 million New Yorkers are pre-qualified for lost wages assistance and will receive payments next week.
“Approximately 435,000 New Yorkers must submit an additional certification to qualify.
“New York has paid $43.7 billion in benefits during pandemic emergency, representing over 20 typical years’ worth of benefits in just six months,” the statement reads.
“Throughout this crisis, states’ unemployment systems have been pushed to the limit and constantly-changing federal guidance — including this haphazard Presidential executive order — have only delayed our efforts to get benefits to New Yorkers in need.
“But we have worked day and night to stand up this program, and millions of New Yorkers will see payments next week,” Commissioner Roberta Reardon said.
“We are emailing all New Yorkers who are receiving benefits to inform them of their status and, if needed, provide information about certifying for the Lost Wages Assistance program.
“All New Yorkers should keep an eye out for these messages and, if an additional certification is required, respond immediately,” he added.
The Federal Emergency Management Agency has released funding for the first three weeks of LWA benefits to New York State, covering the benefit weeks ending August 2nd, August 9th, and August 16th.
The DOL estimated that up to 2.4 million New Yorkers may be eligible for the benefits from those weeks, including recipients of both traditional unemployment insurance and Pandemic Unemployment Assistance.
Of the estimated 2.4 million New Yorkers who may be eligible, approximately 2 million are already qualified for the LWA program because they indicated on their initial benefit application that their unemployment was connected to the COVID-19 pandemic.
“These claimants do not need to take any further action; will receive LWA payments starting next week; and receive an email and text message from DOL informing them they have pre-qualified for LWA,” the statement adds.
Roughly 435,000 need to submit an additional certification confirming that their unemployment is related to COVID-19 to qualify for LWA benefits, as required by the federal government.
Eligible New Yorkers will receive LWA payments of $300 per week for the weeks ending August 2nd, 9th, and 16th. Under federal rules, New York State may be eligible for additional weeks of LWA funding.