death of a slam poet by Dustin Pickering
Poet lambastes pretentious and privileged academia who reject his verses as sincere

(bats eyes at the Black poet, fake mascara)
my so-called verses
swing hearses for the missus
i am an activist
until i read tom paine
paradise lost, paradise regained
now i am deadpan slam
waves arms sings and slings words
says the innuendo in ways academics say hush
but i am nothing when i am dead
while riding the wave of social ‘insert adjective’ justice
to prove temperament matters more
that eloquence
we relieve those we leave behind
they are writing for the rest of humankind
inclusivity but only for you and me!
to appear liberal is the most apt analogy
to death and destruction of the word
a meeting of minds takes place
on the page, not the stage
i am not sage
i am dead to the eyes of rage
Academics are stupid, soulless creatures who parrot the trances of their humanity without questioning their sanity.
And there is nothing amateurish in godlike verse that speaks volumes of an age; but because it is written by a white autodidact, inclusivity fails to include it.
The confederacy of dunces pulled their punches on Swift and kin,
but again,
the failures of Ireland are demonstrated in the words written
and left for generations–
I am perfectly capable (wham, bam, thank you m’am)
of writing the mantras of slam.
The social justice screamers and dreamers with their notorious clamor
can’t philosophize with a hammer–
but who will it be who chants down Babylon?
You cannot do it with mere song.
Your works must have power and substance
to right all wrong.
Following a marketable trend of tiring sloganeering
does not count for verbal engineering.
against the grain
these shameful slain
humanoid pants to pain
we all know their names
we say them
a cop is blistered burned and blamed
shot in flames
fired among the slain
we have no pity for the wrongful injury
his gun is slung across hip
like a helter-skelter trip
across a race war
we’ve known before
atoms of silence
speak to the defiance
of edges of wisdom untold
where all places have their place
all people have their peopled face
say their names,
say them loud
let the world know you are proud
think i know your demons
they live within me and my semen
because a brother cannot know
the reality from the show
our allyship cannot grow
look! can you not hear
the evidence piling like empty case filings
against your claims of epidemic killings?
do you just want rage to claim you?
cancel and ostracize those who defy
the sanctity of your lies?
questions are buried
when false liberalism quenches
the squalor of those who falter
to know the dialogue
it is true from false–
when i refuse to allow worry in my heart
for the causes you alert me to in bad faith–
i am excluded
again, in bad faith.
media lies
media lies
like witches brew
drink it up
its black milk
will satisfy your thirst
just say their names
their names are rage
just say their names
their names are rage
and the ink stains the page
with the lives their mothers gave