The Seed by Tareq Samin
Tareq Samin writes of new beginnings and human duty.

“They Tried to Bury Us, They Didn’t Know We Were Seeds”
– Mexican Proverb.
Hello seed, how long do you have to stay buried?
you tasted darkness of earth
also the warm and the dirt
now it is the call of time.
The frozen winter has gone
The sunlight and water is caring on
The bud has broken the hard shell
It is the time for life to prevail.
Come, show your tiny leaves
and the future bark of a giant tree.
Time is calling, through a journey of life
taste the rain the beautiful wind
the sunshine, the heavenly mornings
grow yourself for the giant trunk.
Remember, there will be storms and the thunders
the shortness of water in the dry season
the harsh winter and many more troubles.
but the call of duty, the call of life must be answered,
-so grow up, let’s show the world your beginning.