Stay placed on judge’s ruling rejecting New York’s redistricting maps

A temporary stay has been granted on a New York judge’s ruling that rejected the state Legislature’s new maps of the state’s U.S. House of Representatives districts as well as those in the state Senate and Assembly.
As a result of the interim order from state Appellate Division Justice Stephen K. Lindley, the normal process of campaigning for primary elections — scheduled for June 28 — will move forward for now.
Steuben County Court Judge Patrick McAllister’s 18-page ruling last week ordered state lawmakers to redraw maps with “sufficient bipartisan support” by April 11 or have a neutral party draw the lines.
Democrats, who controlled the process this year after the Independent Redistricting Commission failed to produce redistricting maps in time, have argued the districts they drew are fair and reflect the Democratic domination of the state’s electorate. Democrats hold supermajorities in both chambers of the state Legislature, enabling them to control the process after the commission didn’t come through. A Republican-backed lawsuit challenged the legislative-drawn lines under a constitutional amendment that is meant to bar partisan gerrymandering.
McAllisters’s decision, if upheld on appeal, would change the election schedule potentially moving primaries from June to late August.
According to the state Board of Elections, petitions from candidates for Congress and the Legislature are still due this week.