Home » Jamaal Bowman wins second term in 16th Congressional District, defeats Miriam Flisse

Jamaal Bowman wins second term in 16th Congressional District, defeats Miriam Flisse


Rep. Ja­maal Bow­man has de­clared vic­tory over Re­pub­li­can chal­lenger Dr. Miriam Levitt Flisser af­ter build­ing up an in­sur­mount­able lead with 67% of the votes cast.

Bow­man, a for­mer ed­u­ca­tor, won a sec­ond two-year term rep­re­sent­ing the 16th Con­gres­sional Dis­trict, which in­cludes Dobbs Ferry, Irv­ing­ton and parts of Tar­ry­town. It also in­cludes the Bronx.

“It was a chal­lenge to travel around the coun­try to try to get the vote out and nowhere did I go where the peo­ple had the en­ergy, the pas­sion and the com­mit­ment that De­moc­rats had here in Westch­ester,” Bow­man said.

Flisser, a pe­di­a­tri­cian in Westch­ester and a Med­ical Di­rec­tor in the Bronxville School Dis­trict, is a for­mer mayor in Scars­dale. Since the dis­trict has not been rep­re­sented by a Re­pub­li­can since 1949, Flisser cer­tainly had her work cut out for her.

Bow­man, who eas­ily pre­vailed in a De­mo­c­ra­tic pri­mary in Au­gust, said dur­ing the cam­paign he was proud of the ap­prox­i­mately $200 mil­lion he has se­cured for his con­stituents.

He also said he sup­ported a ban on as­sault weapons and clos­ing loop­holes that cur­rently ex­ist in gun laws. He noted Con­gress passed “com­mon sense gun re­form,” but the Sen­ate has failed to act.

Mean­while, State Sen­ate Ma­jor­ity Leader An­drea Stew­art-Cousins, who has rep­re­sented the 35th Sen­ate Dis­trict since 2007, eas­ily won an­other two-year term with a vic­tory over Re­pub­li­can new­comer Khris­ten Kerr, gar­ner­ing ap­prox­i­mately 65% of the votes cast.

Be­cause of re­dis­trict­ing, Stew­art-Cousins will once again be rep­re­sent­ing the Town of Mount Pleas­ant and its ad­join­ing vil­lages. Stew­art-Cousins, who lives in Yonkers, has been Ma­jor­ity Leader since 2019.

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