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Being a Blessing is a good Business



Dear Destiny Friends,

It is universally believed that the joy of life does not consist of how happy one is, but how happy others can be because of them.

We live in a society where empathy, genuine love, patience, selfless service, and kindness are lacking. This is simply because most of us have lost our human nature, and as such completely drained of human conscience. We fail to understand that we are blessed to be a blessing to others.

It’s instructive to note that circumstances don’t say who you are, they reveal who you are. One of the many ways to identify a real human being is to observe how they spend their time, money, and resources. When you become a blessing, you will use all you have in your possession to bless others. As a mentor, supervisor, manager, parent, employer, teacher or professor, you can counsel the younger generation. This is a clarion call for everyone to please use their position to help those who are beneath your capacity.

The highest form of blessing however, is to show appreciation to your creator, and this is done by blessing other people with your gift and talent. According to Hans Urs von Balthasar, “what you are is God’s gift to you, what you become is your gift to God.” You need to continually ask yourself, what will I do to be a blessing to others?

It is sad to see people who didn’t really believe they will receive fortune and opportunities in life acting like god when they become blessed. They forget their humble beginnings.

Being a blessing to others comes in different ways. You can be a blessing with your service, gift, time, words, resources, and many more. The world is in dire need of kind and selfless people who are authentic in their deeds as opposed to people who are good because of the favours and opportunities they will receive.

Did you know your destiny is tied to many people? This is because when you become a success, many people will begin to identify with you. This is why it is imperative for you to succeed. So anytime you feel like giving up, remember and consider the people who are depending on you.

Doing good is a habit that is not prevalent in contemporary times due to prevailing wickedness in today’s world. In fact, good people are not celebrated in our society. They tend to receive backlash because they are not following the bandwagon. We literally live in a wicked generation!

According to Dr. Yomi Garnett, a celebrated ghost writer, “Do all the good you can by all means you can, in all ways you can, in every place you can, at all times you can, to everyone you can, as long as you can. Count that day lost in which you have not done something good for another person.”

Doing good is not limited to giving someone money. Only myopic minds see financial assistance as the only means of doing good. We need to kick against the idea of using financial assistance to judge if someone is good or not. Did you know that there are things money cannot buy.

For instance, there are people, who can give you loyalty, time, honesty, value among others, which are literally more than money. It’s only ignorant and myopic minds that appreciate money more than loyalty. Note that if the only thing you have is money, you are poor.

The good thing about doing good is that it comes back to you in ways and manners you cannot understand. Whether you are at work, at home, school or public space, show people love and kindness, in any little way you can.

According to a former American President, Benjamin Franklin, whenever you are in a public space, “be civil to all; sociable to many; familiar with few; friend to one”.

Moral: Being good costs less unlike being bad which takes a lot of negative energy.

It should be noted as well that you don’t need to have a lot to share with people or act to be good. Just be good because it is good to be good. Most people are good because of a condition or situation that has happened to them. But that shouldn’t be the case. According to Chidimma Francisca Kalu, a media practitioner,  “Don’t treat people as bad as they are, treat them as good as you are.”

There are many blessings that come to one when one becomes a blessing to others. Isn’t it true that givers never lack, and the giver’s hand always remains on top while the receiver’s hand is always below.

There’s a certain kind of joy that comes to one when one decides to show love and favour to someone else. On a personal note, whenever I give, there’s a kind of joy and feeling that always comes to my spirit. In most cases, I feel fulfilled.

Do you know it is a privilege and honour to bless others? When God gives you an opportunity to bless others, please grab it. It’s not right when you detach yourself from blessing others. Always remember what goes around comes around.

Whenever you see yourself in a position to help others, no matter how little it is, please judiciously cease the opportunity. By doing so, you are accumulating more blessings to yourself. But, when you fail to do the needful, the creator of heaven and earth can take you off the position and replace you with another person.

In conclusion, being a blessing to others is a privilege one must be grateful for. It is an opportunity to serve.

So, the question to ask yourself is, how can I be a blessing to someone today?

Henry Ukazu writes from New York. He works with the New York City Department of Correction as the Legal Coordinator.  He’s the founder of Gloemi. He’s a Transformative Human Capacity and Mindset coach. He is also a public speaker, youth advocate, creative writer and author of Design Your Destiny and Unleash Your Destiny.  He can be reached via info@gloemi.com

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