September 7, 2024
Home » Indians detained in France over trafficking allegations set to depart on Monday

Indians detained in France over trafficking allegations set to depart on Monday


French authorities have indicated that the majority of approximately 300 Indians detained near Paris over trafficking suspicions could be released to continue their journey on Monday. The Airbus A340, en route to Nicaragua from Dubai, was grounded at Vatry airport following an anonymous tip-off about potential human trafficking victims.

Four French judges commenced questioning the passengers on Sunday to scrutinize the “conditions and purposes” of their travel, with a two-day window for completion. Despite the judges having the authority to prolong the detention, expectations from Paris prosecutors suggest clearance for both the plane and its passengers by late Monday morning at the latest.

The detained passengers, numbering 303, including 11 unaccompanied minors, find themselves confined at Vatry airport. Separate investigations led to the detention of two individuals since Friday, exploring the possibility of distinct roles in the transport.

Notably, ten passengers have sought asylum, prompting makeshift facilities with individual beds and amenities at the airport. The Indian embassy in Paris has reassured the public that consular staff is actively collaborating with French authorities to ensure the welfare of the detained passengers, with an emphasis on achieving an early resolution.

Meanwhile, the 30 crew members associated with Romanian company Legend Airlines, operating the Airbus A340, remain unaffected by detention. Insights from the inquiry suggest that some of the Indian passengers might be migrant workers from the United Arab Emirates, potentially utilizing Nicaragua as a transit point for onward travel to the United States or Canada. As the situation unfolds, the anticipation is set on the clearance of the flight, bringing this intricate episode of international concern to a resolution. nada.

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