July 27, 2024

Turkish-American warns US Speaker Pelosi against derogatory remarks


A Turkish-American, Ibrahim Kurtulus, sternly warned US House of Representatives Speaker, Nancy Pelosi, against her anti-Turkish remarks.

While issuing the warning on Sunday October, 2020, Kurtulus, stated that the Turkish community is frowned at the anti-Turkey remarks of Pelosi.

Kurtulus added that Pelosi is notable for making unhealthy remarks, especially about Turkey.

“Our community has heard in the past of Pelosi’s anti-Turkish stance and just as she is so wrong on U.S. domestic and international policies,” he said.

“She is once again wrong and is misrepresenting Turkish politics and its democratic values. Such bashing has become another weapon in the international campaign to de-legitimize the Turkish state and the Turkish people.

“Once again, Turkey’s freely and democratically elected administration is painted as a villain,” he added.

He stated further that Turkish people’s commitment to Secular values and their Democratic values stand as a matter of record.

“The last election once again proved Turkey is not and has not turned into an authoritarian regime. Turkey is still a fully functioning democracy in the most chaotic region of the Middle East.

“If Turkey deserved to join the rogue’s gallery Pelosi listed, a June 2019 Time Magazine article could not have written: “Turkey is not Russia. It’s a legitimate multiparty democracy with genuinely contested elections,” Turlukus reiterated


“Mrs. Pelosi, NATO ally of the Republic of Turkey’s Maturity of Turkish Democracy has prevailed without having to absorb its Values and Standards.

“Our community calls on U.S politicians especially their staffers to stop demonizing Turkey which is not the answer and start engaging with a critical NATO ally like Turkey in a meaningful manner as such it will only be beneficial to our U.S. National and Security Interests, Kurtulus concluded.

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