September 7, 2024


Dear Destiny Friends,

It’s time to unleash your inner uniqueness and achieve your full potential – Euginia Herlihy

I bring you good tidings from the stable of the long-awaited book, Unleash Your Destiny. It’s been a week since I announced the forthcoming release of my second book “Unleash Your Destiny- 50 Nuggets for Living A Purposeful and Impactful Life. Since that announcement, a lot of people have reached out to me to get a copy of the book.

We are all destined for greatness, we are all destined for success, we are all destined to unleash inherent potentials, but it’s quite unfortunate that many of us remain docile, while some are waiting for motivation to jumpstart their calling.

One may be wondering what’s so special and unique about ‘Unleash Your Destiny’. What makes Unleash Your Destiny different from other non-fiction books is a result-oriented practical and transformational story that is shared in the book. This is because each of us is blessed with abilities to change the world by making great impacts with our gifts, talents and skills, but we are not utilizing them to the fullest capacity.

Destiny in this context does not mean “Christian or spiritual destiny, it is the Human Capacity Destiny which will enable you to unleash your potential. To unleash your potential, it’s instructive to note that there are seeds which need to be activated. I call it the seeds of greatness. Before that seed is activated, you must be ready to do the needful by walking the talk. If you are ready to begin this journey, I can guarantee your transformation in your personal and professional life.

Here are a few guidelines to unleash your potential.


At every stage of our existence, destiny beckons on us to take a step closer to our rightful place among the greatest in history, by presenting to us opportunities disguised as challenges. The question is, how ready are you for the promptings of destiny?


Seeds are one of the most powerful and potent forces in life, if properly nurtured. A single seed can metamorphose into a tree, and that tree can also metamorphose into a forest. Consider the human spermatozoa. As tiny as they are, just one is enough to produce a full-fledged human being, and from there it can multiply to form a family or generations as the case may be.

When you know what seed you have inside of you, you won’t be bothered by what other people say or think about you. The reason many get easily frustrated by insults and criticisms is because they do not know the boundless power of the seed of greatness that they carry within them.

Your seed is what lives in you. Your seed is your identity, your DNA and your brand. To inspire the world, you must know your seed. To live a life of purpose and impact, you must know what you have been born with to transform the earth. Your seed is your secret to having dominion in the world.


As a progressive person on a journey to transform the world with your personality and ideas, it may not always be easy to get people that will believe in you or your vision, but you must abide by the promptings of your inner voice, nonetheless.

A good way to know that your inner voice is leading you aright is the peace of mind that comes with the path you have chosen to follow.  I will share a personal story with you. In 2017, I resigned from my job to travel to see my late grandmother, that journey appeared absurd to some people, but I was convinced it was the right thing to do. Upon arrival in Nigeria, my grandmother was excited and prayed passionately for me before my departure. That prayer, I will say, was part of the foundational success I have attained in life, if not the foundational blessings that have spurred me to an enviable height.


Every single person in life will be tested directly or indirectly. Nobody succeeds in life without being passionate about something and being consistently committed to it.  Your integrity, character, commitment, entrepreneurial spirit, passion, academic, love, skill, knowledge, talent, ability etc., will surely be tested. It is easy to say you love someone, but as we all know, action speaks louder than voice. Depending on the individual and the peculiar nature of their purpose in life, the tests of destiny may vary.

However, the under listed is almost inevitable:


As Brian Tracy once said, “You are the architect of your own destiny; you are the master of your own fate; you are behind the steering wheel of your life. There are no limitations to what you can do, have, or be. Except the limitations you place on yourself by your own thinking.”

Nobody is holding you back. Most of the successful innovators in science and trailblazers in business and other spheres of life are people who didn’t see the big picture when they first began their endeavors. What do you spend the bulk of your time thinking about, and doing? If you are desirous of making something great out of your life, and having a massive impact on the world around you, you must know that what you do with your time says a lot about you and the direction your life is heading.

In conclusion, your success is your success, your sorrow is your sorrow, no one can share it with you. It’s your responsibility to change. I will leave you with this great quote by Myles ‘Your destiny is chosen by God. Your future is certain, whether you arrive there is up to you’

Henry Ukazu writes from New York. He works with the New York City Department of Correction as the Legal Coordinator.  He’s a Human Capacity and Mindset coach. He is also a public speaker, youth advocate and creative writer. He’s the author of the acclaimed book Design Your Destiny – Actualizing Your Birthright. He can be reached via

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