July 27, 2024

Controversial solar makeover sparks debate over King’s College Chapel


In a bold move that has ignited both excitement and controversy, the installation of nearly 500 solar panels on the renowned King’s College Chapel has triggered a clash between heritage preservation advocates and proponents of environmental sustainability.

The approval for the photovoltaic panels, perched atop the six-centuries-old Gothic masterpiece, was granted by the Cambridge City Council and the church diocese, despite objections from local planning officials and Historic England. This public body, responsible for safeguarding historic monuments, argued that the addition could compromise the chapel’s beauty and erode its authenticity, considering the Grade I listing, a designation reserved for structures of exceptional national, architectural, or historical importance.

King’s College Chapel, founded by King Henry VI in 1441, stands as a prime example of late English Gothic architecture, known for its stained glass windows, wooden rood screen, and extraordinary fan vaulting. The decision to embrace solar technology came as part of the chapel’s restoration efforts, driven by the need to address the aging lead roof, deemed no longer watertight.

Despite the dissenting voices, the city council and the Church of England’s Diocese of Ely defended the project, emphasizing the public benefits of the solar panels. Stephen Cherry, the dean of the chapel, expressed the importance of marrying tradition with a forward-looking approach to address the climate crisis.

The controversy revolves around the juxtaposition of renewable energy goals with architectural heritage. The solar panels, set to generate 123,000 kilowatt hours of power annually, aim to meet 5.5 percent of the college’s electricity demand once fully operational.

While proponents, including King’s College provost Gillian Tett, hail the project as a historic commitment to environmental stewardship, critics argue that the highly reflective solar panels introduce a discordant element to the masterpiece. John Neale of Historic England expressed concern over the potential impact on views of the chapel’s roof and skyline.

Notably, David Abulafia, an emeritus professor, criticized the move as “virtue signalling,” asserting that the panels were out of place in one of Britain’s most extraordinary buildings.

The controversy persists as the restoration work, including the solar panel installation, is expected to conclude by the end of December.

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