NBCI rejects Kamala Harris, demands real Black representative

The National Black Church Initiative, a coalition of 34,000 churches representing 27.7 million African Americans are joining with over 150,000 faith communities across the country to reject Sen. Kamala Harris, Susan Rice, or any white women for Joe Biden VP pick.
While disclosing this in a statement on Wednesday August 12, 2020, NBCI stated that this is the year for “a real black woman to be chosen to run for the second-highest office in the land.”
It further stated that during the administration of President Obama, he overlooked and refused to nominate a black woman to serve the Supreme Court and NBCI did not support his supreme court pick.
“Black women have worked hard for the Democratic party. We are demanding that Biden pick a real black woman who loves the black community.
“There are many qualified black women to choose from. The list is long. We refuse to be told who we will vote for.
“White males who we know dominate the selection process will not tell the Black Church who is acceptable and who is not,” the statement reads.
Rev. Anthony Evans, NBCI’s President, said that this is an opportunity to exercise enormous moral power over a corrupt process in picking a vice president.
“Kamala Harris does not represent most black women. She is the wrong choice. We need a real black woman in the office of vice president.
“Joe Biden campaign and character do not make the power of the Black Church say Amen loudly too,” he said.
“The Black Church rejects outright any white women. They have had their turn, now it is the time for a real sister,” he added.
While giving reasons for the rejection of Sen. Harris, the President stated that when Harris was Attorney General for the State of California, she declared war on young black male and black people by locking them up at a higher rate than her white counterpart.
He said Kamala is not for the people. He stressed that she even defended the 3 strikes law, in which Black people are incarcerated at a rate 12 times higher than whites.
“Kamala Harris has demonstrated through her actions that she does not value Black lives, but rather supports our death via the carceral state,” he said.
Evans stated that another reason for the rejection is that Harris abandoned black homeowners during the housing crisis.
He explained that she used the crisis to fundraise for her senatorial run.
“She did not work hard to help Black people keep their houses.
“If you check the housing and mortgage companies who contribute to her campaign, then you will see for yourself how she used and how she manipulated the poor in order to run for president as a freshman senator.
“She had a plan and NBCI has a plan to not bless her.
“In addition, she polled at 1% in the black community when she ran for president,” Evans said.
According Evans, Kamala’s support of gay marriage and the racial homosexuality agenda is another reason why she is not fit for the position.
“We also opposed to Susan Rice. She and Bill Clinton must explain Rwanda.
Ambassador Rice allowed the killing of 950,000 Hutu and Tutsi to go unabated when she served as the undersecretary of state of African Affairs.
“The United States did nothing to stop the massive genocide. She has never repented,” the president explained.
The National Black Church Initiative is a coalition of 34,000 African American and Latino Churches working to eradicate racial disparities in healthcare, technology, education, housing, and the environment.
NBCI’s mission is to provide critical wellness information to all its members, congregants, Churches, and the public. Our methodology is utilizing faith and sound health science.
It offers faith-based, out-of-the-box and cutting-edge solutions to stubborn economic and social issues. NBCI’s programs are governed by credible statistical analysis, science-based strategies and techniques, and methods that work.