Congresswoman Ocasio-Cortez launches campaign to increase census participation in NY-14

The Bronx Congresswoman, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, has disclosed plan to host a census outreach event in the Bronx on Saturday, September 19, 2020.
While disclosing this on Thursday September 17, 2020, Ocasio-Cortez stated that the event is part of her campaign’s robust effort to increase Census participation in NY-14.
Ocasio-Cortez noted that the event will be held in front of the Pelham Bay Nature Center in Pelham Bay Park with the distribution of PPE.
According to her, the Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez for Congress campaign has “committed a total of $1 million to Census outreach in NY-14, which includes a large digital ad buy targeted in Spanish, English and Bangla to undercounted communities in NY-14.”
She further stated that the campaign has also organized a grassroots, organizing effort around the census.
Since the launch of Team AOC’s Census efforts, over 1,400 people have committed to fill out the Census.
With an average household size of 2.4 people and $6,000 for every person who is counted – that equals over $21.5 million dollars in federal funding for our community.
The team has also focused on reaching out to non-English speaking communities and has built a robust team of bilingual workers and volunteers to make sure everyone is counted.
It was reported that NY-14 has been historically undercounted.
In 2010, just 64% of households responded to the census. Currently in NY-14, the self-response rate is 59%.