September 18, 2024
Home » Larry Sharpe receives 90,816 votes, gives LP recognition in Bronx

Larry Sharpe receives 90,816 votes, gives LP recognition in Bronx


Larry Sharpe, the Libertarian Party candidate for Governor of New York State in 2018, has received 90,816 votes to give the Libertarian Party qualified party status, and automatic ballot access for the first time in the history of the party’s existence.

According a report on Monday September 14, 2020, a minor party needed a minimum of 50,000 votes to become a recognized New York State party with an automatic ballot line.

Warren Redilch in 2010 received only 48,386 votes, the most of any Libertarian Party candidate since the party’s inception in 1971.

In talking with Mr. Sharpe, he said that he had taken a year and a half off without receiving any compensation in his bid for governor in 2018.

He said that currently there are slightly over 13,000 members of the Libertarian Party of New York.

Larry Sharpe

He has traveled around the state to ask people to vote on the Libertarian Party line this year because new ballot laws passed this year now require that minor parties receive a minimum of 130,000 votes each year, instead of 50,000 votes once every four years during the governors election year.

A mix of the Democrats and Republicans was seen by the people who attended this dinner to meet Larry Sharpe in the Bronx.

The Libertarian Party of New York is dedicated to the principle that free people have the right to do anything they please, except to initiate force, the threat of force, or fraud, against other persons or their property.

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