Home » New York DCP announces remote waterfront workshops

New York DCP announces remote waterfront workshops


Department of City Planning Director, Marisa Lago, has announced a series of remote workshops, two or more in each borough, that seek to gather comment and input on the next edition of New York City’s Comprehensive Waterfront Plan.

While disclosing this on Wednesday September 9, 2020, Lago stated that the plan will set a vision for the future of the waterfront for the next decade and beyond.

This announcement comes alongside the launch of a new website dedicated to increasing public engagement on the plan.

According to Lago, public input is a critical, central pillar of the plan, which is tentatively scheduled to be released by the end of 2020.

She stated that the website will accept public input through the end of November 2020.

“The Comprehensive Waterfront Plan gives every New Yorker a once-in-a-decade opportunity to craft a holistic vision for our city’s beautiful 520-mile-long waterfront.

“The discussions that we’re having with New Yorkers about our shoreline are invaluable, covering equity of access to jobs and open space, the health of our waterways, our resiliency to climate change and more,” she said.

“We invite you to join the conversation by exploring our new website and sharing your ideas at a remote workshop and online.

“Help us make our waterfront even better, more vibrant and more welcoming to all,” added Lago.

Council Member Debi Rose noted that the city’s 520 miles of waterfront are a valuable asset to the economy and an integral part of transportation and recreational infrastructure.

We are working to develop a comprehensive plan and vision for the future, and it is essential that we have input from a wide range of New York City stakeholders and residents.

“I encourage all New Yorkers to check out the plan and join us online to help ensure that our plan is in fact comprehensive and inclusive,” she said.

The website also provides information about existing waterfront regulations, links to waterfront-related interactive maps.

The new website includes a draft framework document, spelling out priorities based on what DCP has heard from communities so far.

Meant to further spur public conversation and input, the framework includes overarching themes of resiliency, equity and health that will shape the content of the plan and our process.

The framework uses these themes as a lens through which it discusses topics like economic activity, ferries, natural resources and the working waterfront.

Clarinda Mac Low, Executive Director and Co-Founder of Culture Push said that DCP created a very thoughtful and intentional process for gathering feedback and discussing opportunities.

She added that the Brooklyn Boatworks encourages all NYC residents to participate in the planning process by attending a virtual workshop and visiting the new website.

“NYC will benefit from as much participation from the public as possible and participants will gain a greater appreciation for the NYC planning process,” she said.

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