Home » Northwest Bronx Democrats declare support for “ranked choice” candidates in 11th, 15th CDs

Northwest Bronx Democrats declare support for “ranked choice” candidates in 11th, 15th CDs


The Northwest Bronx Democrats have declared their support for their candidates in the 11th and 15th Council District special elections.

The NWBx Dems position is to support up to equally 3 candidates per council race to have them “overrank” the others.

Afterwards, they believe, ultimately the voters in these districts will make the final choice

The candidates the NWBx Dems have chosen in the 11th and 15th Council races ( in alphabetical order ) are:
11th CD- Abagil Martin, Dan Padernacht 15th CD- Elisa Crespo, Ischia Bravo and Oswald Feliz

Anthony Rivieccio, Founder of the club stated that “The reasoning for this is simple. In these races there are at least 6 candidates or more. We felt instead of choosing one, we would pick the best of the crop.

“Afterwards, the voters will make the final decision but we do believe that any one of our ranked choice picks will be a fine Councilperson.”

Sheila Sanchez, President of Northwest Bronx Democrats, said, “As soon as each campaign blastoff takes off in their respective races, we will be using our media, social media, virtual expertise and ground troops to assist them.”

Abagil Martin, candidate for the 11th CD said, “Throughout my campaign, I have met with people from every political affiliation. I have listened to their concerns and have discussed ways we can find common ground and make our communities more just and equitable.

“Canceling or dismissing a person or an organization based on one fact without getting to know them is not what I am about.

“Our City needs leaders who will listen to people they sometimes disagree with, and who will build bridges instead of walls.

“The Northwest Bronx Democrats have endorsed many strong Democratic candidates who are running for City Council in 2021. I am proud to be included in this group.”

“I’m honored to have the endorsement of the Northwest Bronx Democrats, a grassroots organization whose members are active each day in our community,” said 11th CD candidate Dan Padernacht

“We are honored to be endorsed by the Northwest Bronx Democrats. Together, we will continue to fight for the issues that Bronx residents care about — quality education, affordable housing, and recovery from the coronavirus pandemic,” Oswald Feliz, candidate for the 15th CD said.

“Oswald is a perfect example of what we’re trying to do. As a tenant lawyer, our organization has helped put together many tenant meetings.

“As former 78th State Committeeman, he has tried hard to represent the diverse interests in the district. Now, with the 15th CD, which is more East side, where they may not know of his great work on the West Side, we support him, in both educating residents and businesses of his past successes and the future of what he can bring to the district as well,” said founder Anthony Rivieccio.

The NWBx Dems have been involved in community and political work in their Northwest Bronx neighborhood since 2003.

Their first endorsement goes back to Oliver Koppel in 2009. Since then they have actively involved in over 30 Council, State Assembly and Senate and Congressional candidates, including at the time, rookie insurgents like Gustavo Rivera in 2010 & Mark Gjonaj in 2012.

If you would like more information please call founder Anthony Rivieccio at 347.575.5045

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