ALA enlists MMC Chairman among 2021 awardees

The Muslim Media Corporation founder and chairman, Sheikh Musa Drammeh, has been enlisted among the recipients of the 2021 African Leadership Award.
The African Leadership Award 2021 ceremony took place on Saturday, November 27, 2021 at Western Hotel on 270 West 43 Street, New York City, between 7pm and 11pm.
While making his remarks after receiving the Corporate Social Responsibility award from the leadership of ALA, Drammeh said, “Words aren’t sufficient to describe how honored and humbling it is for me to be here among the nobles and dignitaries to receive this prestigious recognition from such visionary leaders of our time. I am very grateful for this indeed!”
He further said that the award is dedicated to the downtrodden, the voiceless, the malnourished, and victims of violence, and religious and socio-political fanatics, particularly, in Africa and the rest of the world like Middle East and Asia.
“I will humbly accept it on behalf of the millions of the voiceless Africans in small villages, slumps and shanty towns on the continent, the countless dwellers of the marginalized African descendants in the ghettos of the West, the fervently religious Africans being radicalized by extreme elements from the Middle East, and the growing victims of Africa’s recolonization tendencies of the developing Eastern nations and global multinational corporations as of late through sovereign debts.
“On their behalf and the illuminating future of Africa, I graciously accept it as a symbol of economic, independent, peace, health and sociocultural competitiveness of Africa and its sons and daughters the world over,” he concluded.