Mayor Adams demands Albany action on surge of illegal marijuana shops around NYC

Mayor Eric Adams is demanding action from Albany on the surge of illegal marijuana shops popping up all around New York City. The Mayor is calling for tougher laws to crack down on the illegal marijuana shops that have popped up all around New York City.
Mayor Adams believes the state just has very lax laws, and he wants Albany to take it seriously.
“This cannabis stuff is a real problem, and we must make sure that we can’t have people have a mockery of our system,” Adams said.
Growing violence at NYC smoke shops
A murder at a Harlem smoke shop over the weekend is just the latest in a string of violent incidents at New York City smoke shops.
One issue Adams raised is how cannabis products are being targeted and advertised to children.
“We’re about up to 14, 1,500 illegal cannabis shops, and it’s not only that they’re selling illegal cannabis, but they’re targeting young people, they’re open near schools,” Adams said. “These children are waking up in the morning, going into the store, getting gummy bears that’s laced with marijuana, and then they are going to school and learn?”
“We need to be targeting those landlords that knowingly are renting the space.”
“We need to be targeting those landlords that knowingly are renting the space,” Adams said. “So we are going to be putting a package together just to deal with cannabis, so this does not get out of hand.”