Now we urge the FBI to do its Job in the Jack Evans Case

The DC Black Church Initiative (NBCI), a faith-based coalition of over 800 member churches in the District of Columbia is strongly urging Councilman Jack Evans to resign or be recalled. His behavior undermines the church’s believes in the notion of fair play and our democracy. These violations are both ethical and morally disturbing to the soul of the city.
Rev. Anthony Evans (no relation to Jack Evans), President of the DC Black Church Initiative says, “We strongly urge the FBI and the US Attorney Office to look into the criminality of their volitions as outlined by the law Office of O’Melveny and Myers. We the members of the clergy feel if the allegations are true –Jack Evans should go to jail. May God have mercy of Jack Evans soul.
A detail investigation report by the law firm of O’Melveny and Myers on behalf of the D.C. Council into the conduct of Ward 2 Councilmember Jack Evans details a pattern of pay to play in which Evans used his elected position for personal gain.
The Report states, “Based upon a flawed interpretation of his ethical obligations, he failed to disclose the names of any of his consulting clients in his public financial disclosure statements and did not disclose the identity of most of his consulting clients even to his own staff. He repeatedly participated in his official capacity in “particular matters” in which his outside employers or his personal clients had direct financial interests, failing to recognize the inherent conflict that should have been disclosed and addressed. He failed on several occasions to recuse himself from matters involving the financial interests of a prospective employer.
He received over $400,000 for doing little or no documented work for consulting clients
most, if not all, of whom were also “prohibited sources” under the Code of Official Conduct. He made occasional, albeit not substantial, use of his Council staff and office email account to support his outside employment, including the preparation of engagement agreements and invoices. All of these ethical lapses (including those that arguably created mere appearances of improprieties) could have been avoided if Evans had more diligently and regularly sought ethics advice from either the Office of the
General Counsel (“OGC”) or Board of Ethics and Government Accountability (“BEGA”).”