Governor Cuomo gives update on coronavirus , explains how NY shatters pandemic

The Governor of the New York City, Andrew Cuomo, has given update on the state’s coronavirus pandemic.
While disclosing this in a letter sent to New York Parrot Editor-in-Chief, Mutiu Olawuyi, Cuomo stated that the state has made incredible progress over the last five months.
He said that despite the fact that NYC is the epicentre of the pandemic, with concerted efforts, the pandemic was shattered.
“We have made incredible progress over the last five months.
“New York State was the nation’s first epicenter and now we are one of the very few states where COVID is under control.
“We didn’t just bend the curve, we shattered it — thanks to the effort and smart choices of all New Yorkers,” the letter reads.
The governor further noted that total hospitalizations have fallen below 600, reaching record lows.
He added the state is currently testing more than any other state and more than any other country per capital and thousands of contact tracers are working around the clock to trace and prevent outbreaks.
“Every community in the state is now in Phase 4 of reopening (see the industry-by-industry guidance here).
“Happily, the infection rate has continued to decline even as the whole state entered Phase 4, showing that our cautious and science-based approach to reopening worked,” Cuomo said in his letter.
“All this progress, however, comes with a flashing caution sign. Our state still faces two dangerous threats.
“The first is the threat of COVID spreading from other states. In response to this threat, we have issued a travel advisory for people coming from states with high COVID rates, but our progress remains at risk until the COVID pandemic is under control nationally.
“The second threat is that we become lax and let our guard down, allowing the virus to spread. Unlike the threat from outside infections, this one is in our control. We have the ability and the duty to act responsibly.
“That means wearing a mask. It means not hosting or attending large and crowded parties. It means getting tested, especially if you have symptoms, and it means cooperating with contact tracers if you are positive for COVID. In brief, it means looking out for one another,” he added.
Cuomo stated that this year is also the year of the 2020 Census, and it is crucial that all New Yorkers fill out the Census.
“We know by now that New Yorkers should never be overlooked, and we shouldn’t be undercounted, either,” he said.
He urged New Yorkers to fill out the Census and tell friends and loved ones to do the same.
“It will help ensure that all New Yorkers get the federal representation and benefits that are their right.
“I know that for all New Yorkers, this has been an extremely trying experience — whether you lost a loved one, a job, or if you continue to lose sleep due to the stress of this pandemic.
“I mourn with all New Yorkers on behalf of all those lost to this virus, and I share in the anxiety, too.
“But we are New York Tough. I have no doubt that we can continue our progress in our fight against COVID by depending upon the solidarity, strength and compassion that makes New York New York. Ever Upward,” he concluded.