NBCI expresses disappointment about Kirbyjon H. Caldwell’s guilty plea for fraud

The National Black Church Initiative (NBCI), have expressed her moral condemnation of Kirbjon H. Caldwell over his guilty pleas for fraud.
This was disclosed in a statement released on Thursday October 1, 2020, by Reverend Anthony Evans on behalf of NBCI.
The group, a coalition of 34,000 churches representing 27.7 million African Americans, explained that Caldwell’s action has caused great and deep disappointment in the body of Christ.
They however said they still have hope in Christ for the spiritual renewal of his soul and personhood.
“This comes as a moral shock to black preachers all over the country. Many of us could not believe it at first- no not Kirbjon H. Caldwell. This must be a misprint or a mistake.” the statement reads.
According to the statement, Kirbjon H. Caldwell is a first-rate preacher and leader with economic creativity, deep intellectual, and moral correctness.
” We were wrong. We do not understand the greed personality of one of God most gifted minister. This represents a stain on Christ’s church and black ministry.” it adds.
Rev. Anthony Evans, President of the National Black Church Initiative said “ I am most disappointed than others because I flew to Houston to ministry to Rev. Caldwell and to demonstrate to all ministers that when a brother of Christ is in trouble you do not abandon him but rally around him and show him the love of Christ Jesus.”
“He lied to me in front of my face. I told him NBCI was willing to send out a strongly worded press release defending both his ministry and his character. Praise be to God, he did not allow us to disgrace ourselves by doing so.” he added.
“Still, in Christ, I nor NBCI will abandon our brother doing this time of his greatest need–for his life and the life of his family and church. We will continue to pray for God through Christ’s for his mercy, grace, and forgiveness.” Reverend Anthony said.