NBCI condemns legal holocaust of Black people by Breonna Taylor’s Grand Jury

The National Black Church Initiative, a coalition of 34,000 churches representing 27.7 million African Americans, has condemned all members of the Breonna Taylor for codifying in law the right to kill any black people at will under the color of blue and white.
While disclosing this in a statement on Thursday September 24, 2020, Rev. Anthony Evans, President of the National Black Church Initiative, accused the grand jury system in America of double standard.
According Evans, the jury has failed to hold accountable four white racists (devil) cops who systemically murder a young black woman in her bed.
“The reason for this is white fear. They are afraid that black people will come after them and kill them at will like they have been murdering in Kentucky for the past 400 years,” Evans said.
“I can not get my head around the notion that according to the grand jury if you are a white cop who serves the devil and wear blue you have the right to kill at will, especially black people.
“The case of Breonna Taylor would have never come up until black stood up for her to receive some sort of justice.
If we did not force the powers to impanel a grand jury, Breonna would have been just another dead nigger and the good white people and the AG Cameron would have done nothing, ” he added.
“AG Cameron wants us to believe that the law is not blue and white. What a fool,” he said.
He stressed that “Gov. Beshear you are going to need black people in 45days.”
Evans further reacted that White people form of justice is aimed at exterminating all black people like Hitler tried to exterminate the Jews of Europe.
He said what the Black people are currently witnessing is a legal Holocaust by the grand jury system with the help of AG – Daniel Cameron.
“If this brother has any notion of running for governor, he can kiss that good by—he will not get one black vote. But the white people will vote for him—because he is a willing participant in the legal lynching of black people in Kentucky,” Evans concluded.