Tatar leader hails Turkish Cypriot election results

Crimean Tatar leader Mustafa Abdulcemil Kirimoglu has congratulated Ersin Tatar over his win in the Northern Cyprus presidential runoff.
Kirimoglu, who is also a deputy in Ukraine’s parliament, on Tuesday October 21, 2020, said, “We, as Crimean Tatars, are extremely pleased with the election of the grandson of a family whose grandfather migrated from Crimea to the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, which is always in our hearts.”
“I congratulate you with my sincere and heartfelt feelings for being chosen as president of the TRNC through a democratic election and with the approval of the Turkish Cypriot people,” he added.
Tatar, prime minister and presidential candidate of the National Unity Party, won with 51.74% of the votes versus incumbent Mustafa Akinci’s 48.26%.
The first round of the election was held on October, 2020. Since none of the 11 candidates got more than 50% of the votes, front-runners Tatar and Akinci proceeded to round two.